Shipping policy
You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered.
We can ship products anywhere in the United States or internationally using the shipping method of your choice. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment’s destination.
We usually ship within 72 hours. Your order will then be processed and delivered by the appropriate shipping service provider within 2-5 business days. Please allow extra time when there is a new release of product(s) as our team will be backed up with orders.
Pre-Orders fulfillment processing start on their official launching date.
Shipping Charges
Our shipping charges are determined by the weight of your order, or by order total price, and shipping method selected, excluding applicable sales tax.
International Shipping & Orders
We are not responsible for any customs restrictions, tariffs, or other regulations that may apply in countries outside of the United States. The responsibility is yours to check to see if your country allows the shipment of products you ordered (or wish to order). Any duties, customs or taxes that may apply to your order are also your responsibility.
If for whatever reason your order is seized by customs, we will not issue you a refund unless all products are returned to us in the original condition per the return policy above.